
How and When We Baptize at Saint Miriam!

We welcome people of all ages who have not been baptized before to come and receive the Water of New Life during one of our Sunday Masses. We do so always within a liturgy to gain the consent of the people, and in the Trinitarian formula (In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.) ‘Private baptisms’ are not the norm at this parish and require a special dispensation of the pastor based on a real need. If you have been baptized previously, as an infant or adult, in a recognized church that uses the same formula, we simply transfer your baptismal records, as there is no need to baptize again. PreJordan Classe is requested prior to the baptism taking place at our parish.

We routinely schedule Baptisms on the 3rd Sunday of every month, except during the Holy Season of Lent (and certain holy day or feast days). We also try to include these days in the rotation:

  • The Second Sunday in January, Feast of the Baptism of our Lord,
  • The Great Vigil of Easter,
  • The Sunday before our annual InGathering in September.

(These specific dates vary slightly, depending on when Advent and Lent fall, so please check the Master Parish Calendar below or email us.)

Please note: We do not baptize in the Season of Lent. We are pleased to work with all individuals and families as they seek to have their child baptized into our Christian faith!

To find out more about Baptismal dates, or to make an appointment to talk more about Baptism, please contact us.

For a list of Applicable Requested Stipends per event, please click here.

Please Click Here to Register and Request A Baptism Date

We livestream our Baptisms here.

Who Can be a Godparent?

When a child, or an adult, is to be baptized in the Church, he or she must have at least one godparent or sponsor (the terms are interchangeable). It is customary for children to have two godparents. At least one of the godparents must:

(a) be Catholic;

(b) have been at least baptized, and preferably confirmed and have received Communion;

(c) be 16 or older (although there may be exceptions to this rule at the discretion of the bishop);

(d) must be living a life consistent with their own baptismal covenant;

(e) be willing to support the parents in their duties to bring the child/adult into our Christian faith;

Church law, or Canons, does permit the parents of an infant to choose a Catholic and a non-Catholic Christian as “godparents,” whereas exteriorly they may both appear to assume these roles at the actual baptismal ceremony.

Baptism also is not a private act. It is a public, official liturgy of the Church and welcomes someone into the one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Therefore, the Church has the duty and obligation to require reasonable criteria for being a  sponsor, as well as to require that the Baptism takes place within the Mass setting.

Pre-Jordan Program (Baptism Preparation)

Since parents are seen as their child’s primary teachers, the Pre-Jordan Program seeks to offer parents both the support of the community and an opportunity for reassessing their own faith and responsibilities. After meeting with a priest and prior to their child’s Baptism, parents are required to attend a brief Pre Jordan session which includes a review of the history and theology of the Sacrament of Baptism, as well as the movement that will be needed on the Sunday of the actual Baptism. Godparents are also encouraged to attend.

These gatherings are held in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month at approximately 12:15pm, or as otherwise scheduled, and should be completed no later than the month before your requested baptismal date.

If you have had a previous baptism at Saint Miriam, you may gain a waiver for this class by emailing us.

Please click here to register for the next Pre-Jordan gathering at Saint Miriam.

Master Parish Calendar:

February 2025

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting
  • Early Mass
  • Sunday Morning Rosary
  • Morning Mass
  • Pre-Jordan (Baptism Preparation) Class
  • Recovery, International (U Level)
  • Contemplative Prayer Group - Sanctuary - Advent
  • AA General Service Meeting (CR7)
  • AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting
  • Early Mass
  • Sunday Morning Rosary
  • Morning Mass
  • Recovery, International (U Level)
  • Contemplative Prayer Group - Sanctuary - Advent
  • AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting
  • Regular Scheduled Baptism Sunday
  • Early Mass
  • Sunday Morning Rosary
  • Morning Mass
  • Naia - away
  • Recovery, International (U Level)
  • Naia - away
  • Contemplative Prayer Group - Sanctuary - Advent
  • Naia - away
  • "Open" Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • Naia - away
  • AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Meeting
  • Early Mass
  • Sunday Morning Rosary
  • Morning Mass
  • Recovery, International (U Level)
  • Contemplative Prayer Group - Sanctuary - Advent
  • "Open" Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament