“Can you breathe in what I have breathed out?” 

Dear Friends,

Blessed and Joyful Pentecost: the outpouring of the Holy Spirit—given to ALL who were present for that great and mysterious event!  There is so much I could say about this pivotal moment. But you know me: never one to say too much…

 For now, I just want to share with you a quote from Richard Rohr, a brief thought of my own, and a prayer from Mirabai Starr.

Richard Rohr writes:

The Holy Spirit within us is the desire inside all of us that wants to keep connecting, relating, and communing. It isn’t above us. It isn’t beyond us—it is within us. It’s as available as our breath, and that’s why the Risen Christ gives the Holy Spirit by breathing upon the disciples. He’s saying, in effect, “Here it is! Here it is! Can you breathe in what I have breathed out?” 

The Crucified and Risen Lord breathed out mercy and forgiveness and healing to unite broken hearts and shattered relationships. He invited his disciples to breathe it in and let that Spirit heal them, console them and fortify them with the strength that comes from knowing one lives in an unbreakable bond of love with Love himself. 

And then Jesus intended them to breathe that Spirit out again all over Jerusalem and Galilee and beyond.

As we celebrate Pentecost, we remember that Jesus has breathed that same Spirit into you and me. He invites us to breathe in that Spirit deeply! Breathe in the Risen Lord’s Spirit of forgiveness, mercy, compassion, healing and faithful enduring love.  Let it heal our wounds, dispel our fears, assure us of our unbreakable relationship with God who is Love.  

And then remember that Jesus asks us to breathe out that Spirit everywhere: in your home, your church, your neighborhood; all over Flourtown, Philadelphia…everywhere! Breathe out the Spirit to continue healing our frightened and hurting and broken world with the Love that conquers all.

Peace and every good,

Father Liam

PS And below I share with you a prayer to the Spirit by Mirabai Starr:

Beloved One 



Feminine Presence 




Please come flowing into every open window in our souls right now, 

as we call to you.  

Infuse every cell of our bodies with your fierce and tender Mother-Wisdom.  

Give us the strength to speak truth to power in these fractured times.  

Give us the tenderness and humility to listen deeply 

to those that we are conditioned to otherize. 

And remind us again and again when we forget that we belong to each other,  

and we belong to you.  


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