Bell Tower Dedication – Sunday, October 20th after Morning Mass

There have been Twelve major renovations since the initial core of our church building was raised up and the cemetery dedicated back in 1818! They include:

1861 – Church was Remodeled
1882 – Renovations Completed
1896 – Church was Rebuilt and Updated under renowned Architect Horace Trumbauer and final Cornerstone laid
1901 – Bell Tower Completed and new Bell Installed & Dedicated
1975 – Renovations Completed due to Fire that destroyed the Parsonage
1978 – School Wings Completed and New Stained Glass Installed in Sanctuary
1997 – Sanctuary Renovations Completed
2015 – Saint Miriam Purchases Property!
2016 – Major Renovations and New Electrical Service Completed by Saint Miriam as well as Carpeting, Paint, and new Cemetery Gates along with Exterior and Parking Lot Lighting
2017 – Third Floor Rectory/Friary Built by Saint Miriam and Angels of Assisi Garden Completed
2019 – New Roof installed on Church and Garage and Altar Cross Hung & Dedicated
2020 – Sanctuary Renovations Completed by Saint Miriam
2021 – Sanctuary Outfitted with Iconography and Repainted

And now in 2024 our Beautiful Bell Tower has been renovated and restored!

Come celebrate with us on Sunday, October 20th at the 9:30am Morning Mass as we dedicate our Bell Tower!

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