Through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ … Lent 2025 at Saint Miriam
For is as Christians, to not know Christ is to live a life thirsty for truth, meaning, understanding, and purpose. We search and search and it feels like we cannot find the thing that we were hoping for. It is not until we surrender and trust in faith that we are able to find peace. We must open the door of our hearts to allow the Holy Spirit to enter and do the work.
This year, we’re letting the Gospel of Luke guide us through Lent. Beginning with Jesus setting his face toward Jerusalem. Our devotionals will flow through several familiar stories that hold significance in pop culture, church history, politics, and everything in between — both sacred and secular imagination — carrying cultural relevance especially for us today.
Our theme, “Everything In Between,” invites us to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. You will see that each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works,” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” Jesus intentionally pointed our cultural and political extremes to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. As we study these stories in their historical and cultural context, we will see how they mirror the divisions many of us experience in our families, churches, nation and communities today.
We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures this Lent, we will find nuance and complexity. We will find that these dichotomies are false. We might even begin to see a full spectrum instead of black and white. We might find that God is present somewhere in between.
This Lent, we’re trusting that God shows up in shades of grey, rainbow hues and everywhere in between.