The Secular Franciscan Order, also known as the Third Order of St. Francis, is an official Order within our Church, established by St. Francis of Assisi, early in the thirteenth century. Members do not live in community, but rather live their everyday lives in the world. However, members gather together in fraternity on a regular basis, usually on the 4th Sunday of every month at 12:00 Noon in the Parish Library and by profession, they promise to follow a Rule of charity and service to others. We also enjoy a Virtual Devotional and Discussion Gathering every month, too! You will need a Zoom ID and a Franciscan Rule and the book we are currency using to guide our devotional so so email us to join.
For more information, or to join, please use the contact form below to contact us.
Small Groups at Saint Miriam
Groups with the “@” symbol denote that they also meet virtually.