Small Groups

These groups truly has become a small ecclesia. In fact, that is what they call themselves “ecclesia.”  While we often are aware of ecclesia being the Greek word for “church”, we should also remember that the word refers to a community that met in the Greek cities to foster an environment of learning and sharing.  Groups like this remind us that church involves us in relationships that foster personal growth and deepen us as human beings.  The more people in groups like this, the more diverse opinions and perspectives become available.  The more perspectives that we have on a reading or topic, the deeper our understanding.  Without those other people sharing their thoughts with every member of the ecclesia, each individual member of the group would be impoverished in understanding.   

Groups with the “@” symbol denote that they also meet virtually.

If you would like to learn more about how Saint Miriam reaches out in support of our local community, click here.

Outside Small Groups that Meet at Saint Miriam

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA Sunrise) Saturdays at 8:30am
  • Recovery International Tuesdays at 7:00pm 
  • AA General Services, First Wednesday at 7:00pm

Outreach Opportunity Groups:

  • Human First Outreach Initiative – Hygiene and Nutrition Support Bags Assembly (weekly on Wednesday afternoons or as scheduled)
  • Human First Outreach Initiative – Onsite Food Service and Support Bags Saturdays from 11:00am – 1:00pm, Norristown Transportation Center
  • CarSafe at Saint Miriam – Main Campus (as needed, on call)
  • Dinner, Church at Saint Miriam – Kensington (TBD)

Faith Formation Small Groups:

  • Family Faith Formation (FFF)
  • Marriage PREP (Pre-Cana)
  • Baptism PREP (Pre-Jordan)
  • Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
  • Secular Franciscan Group (Third Order)
  • Walk Beside Me

Service Small Groups:

  • Saint Miriam Café and Hospitality, Second Thursday for Senior Group and Sundays 
  • @Saint Miriam Pastoral Care & Prayer Chain
  • @Saint Miriam Prayer Shaw Ministry
  • Saint Miriam Sacristy Guild
  • Ushers and Greeters Guild
  • The Women of Saint Miriam

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