“Every Christian family is called to be a small ‘Domestic Church’ that must shine with the Gospel virtues.”
– Saint Pope John Paul II
Learn More about our Education Programs here:

CFF (Children’s Faith Formation) becomes FFF (Family Faith Formation)!
Pre-K – 5th grade $120 per Family
The foundation of our parish’s faith formation will now be structured around the FAMILY…enabling the parents to be the primary (and best!) teacher of their child’s Catholic faith.
Our new program, to launch on September 24th, 2023, will include Three parts of Family Faith Formation:
- Families will meet ONCE a month on the 4th Sundays during the Morning Mass time from 11:00-11:45 a.m. Childcare will be provided for other children with reservations in advance. (This will allow parents to attend the 9:30am Family Mass together as a family with their children) They will receive materials ahead of the next month.
- Monthly assignments/activities are to be completed at home with the whole family and returned to our FFF Coordinator, Father Liam.
- Families are to attend Sunday Family Masses and Holy Days of Obligation regularly.
- Families are to learn the Rosary in-person on Sundays at 8:30am, (or via our Rosary Take Home Learning Kits!)
What about children between from 6th Grade to 9th Grade?
We got you covered!
For these children we recommend a Three-Fold Program:
1. Serve one day any Mass as an Acolyte, Reader, or Greet with your family to welcome everyone to the parish! This activity deepens their love and understanding of our faith!
2. Attend one day class with the Sacramental Group on the 1st or 3rd Sundays from 10:00-11:00am! This activity immerses them into thinking ahead with children on their way to their first sacrament!
3. Get packet monthly to take home on the last Sunday of every month or via email! This activity provides a family-centered approach to faith learning!
Sacramental Preparation:
Year 1: First Holy Communion and Penance
First Holy Communion/Eucharist/Penance will require one full liturgical year of preparation (minus Summertime which will be off). Therefore, the family of a child wishing to receive First Reconciliation/Communion next year is required to do the following:
- Enroll in Family Faith Formation (no more than 3 absences accepted) and complete one Mass journal reflection per month (October through April…7 total reflections).
- Attend Sacramental Preparation Classes (FHC and CONFIRMATION) scheduled as follows:
The First and Third Sundays of Every month from October – May from 10:00am to 11:00am (Children will exit Mass after Gospel)
Year 2 Confirmation (Typically 9th & 10th Grade): $75/Child
Sacrament of Confirmation require two consecutive years of preparation. Y1 (must be completed prior) and Y2 Confirmation classes will meet twice a month on The First and Third Sundays of Every month from October – May from 10:00-11:00 a.m. (no more than 2 absences accepted). In addition, Y1 and Y2 students must complete one Mass journal reflection per month (October through April…7 total reflections) and within two years complete ten (10) service hours.
Information and Expectations
“God commanded our ancestors to teach their children; so that the generation to come might know, that they too may rise and declare to their children that they should put their hope in God.”
– Psalms 78:6
Welcome parents and students to an exciting year of Family Faith Formation (FFF) at Saint Miriam! We have many exciting lessons and activities planned for this upcoming year. We also have adapted changes to our program that will better prepare your children to learn about our faith, as well as prepare them for a life of Christian service as they become lifelong disciples!
All of our educators and chaperones are federally and state cleared and adhere to our child safety protocols. Learn more at our school site here.
Our Onsite Program
At Saint Miriam, we combine experiential and didactic compacts in order to make learning interactive and fun for every student. In this manner, they are enriched with the values of what makes us truly Catholic, as well as hearts that are determinatively social justice orientated, as we ‘care for our neighbors as ourselves.’ In order to accomplish this curriculum focus, along with a teaching calendar that is ongoing from September through June, we require a high degree of attendance in order to allow every student the experience of interaction and learned. We teach more than just rote prayers, it is about community and bringing in our Franciscan ethos to help God ‘rebuild his Church’!
Our FFF, Jr. children may attend daycare classes and allow parents to remain in the Family Mass at 9:30am. The FFF children will depart after an abridged ‘Children’s Homily’ at the 9:30am Family Mass, while our older students remain at Mass until after the Eucharist! In this way, our programs are tailored for students by age grouping that allows for increased learning and growth.
Essentials to Parish Life
There are many things that go into making a successful parish. The most important of these include spirituality, faith formation and education, liturgy, small groups, hospitality, stewardship, social ministry, and evangelization. We urge each parent/guardian and their children to find a home in these areas to support our life together.
All FFF Formation students will attend the 9:30 AM Family Mass with their families and teachers. After Communion, the children will join their teachers for faith formation classes until 10:45 AM.
Please note that FFF, Jr. is for children who have been registered through our FFF program only to allow for planning!
Sacrament Requirements
In order to receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion, students must:
- Have been in Children’s Faith Formation at Saint Miriam or another Catholic Church for a minimum of two years (documentation required.)
- Have attended all required CFF and First Holy Communion (FHC) Preparation Classes.
- Be in good standing in terms of attendance and class work/homework during the year of FHC
In order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, students must:
- Have been in CFF at Saint Miriam or another Catholic Church for a minimum of five years (documentation required.)
- Be at least 15 years old at the time of Confirmation
- Have received First Reconciliation/Penance and FHC
- Have attended all required Confirmation Preparation Classes
- Have attended a class on Social Justice/Catholic Social Teaching
- Participate at a Commitment Mass with parents and sponsor(s)
- Be in good standing in terms of attendance and class work/homework during the year of Confirmation
While we believe we offer a wonderful program at Saint Miriam, we understand that we cannot possibly accomplish in just above 60 minutes what you can accomplish within your family home. As parents, Godparents, and guardians, you are the primary religious educators of your children and are ultimately responsible for their spiritual growth and development. It is expected that each family become actively involved in the Saint Miriam Children Faith Formation and Parish in order to model a living, conscious, and active Christian faith and to reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. With that, we have set forth the following expectations for each child and family enrolled in Faith Formation classes:
Weekly attendance at mass is required for all students and is essential for those receiving a sacrament in the spring. This includes attending mass during the summer, making an effort to attend church functions that build community and support our work and life together and attending sacraments/activities of others in our church community (even when your child is not involved)! There are approximately 30 classes in a school year. If a child has more than two unexcused absences from class or Mass, a parent/guardian must meet with the pastor and the Director of Parish Education to discuss the reason(s) for absence and come up with a plan for more consistent attendance. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to contact the Director at least one day prior to an expected absence or as soon as it is known that your child will be absent.
Excessive absences and lack of participation may prevent your child from progressing to the next level and/or from receiving a sacrament.
As mentioned above, it is the family that is most responsible for the religious education of their child(ren). This might include, but is not limited to, an activity from that week’s chapter, learning a new prayer, doing a service project, reading the Bible or making a craft. Parents/guardians will sign-off that the activity or assignment was completed and ensure that any needed materials are brought in for class the following Sunday.
Stewardship and care for the parish financially and through time and talent is essential and expected. All Faith Formation students and their families must be registered members of the parish and signed up to give electronically on a weekly or monthly basis. All fees must be paid prior to the start of the school year. All children will receive giving envelopes that they will contribute during mass. Their contribution need not be a lot as the amount is not as important as the lesson being taught; God loves a cheerful giver. All children are expected to give each week.
All students will be required to perform some form of “service work” to the church and community. At least half of the required hours will be done at church and the other half will be performed in the child’s home, school, and/or community. At the first class, the children will be provided with a log sheet to record the service that they perform. Depending on the grade, the amount of service required will vary.
* Examples of service to the church might include serving Mass as an acolyte, reading at mass as a lector, helping to clean the church, helping with the gardening or assisting on Sunday morning in the Saint Miriam Café. Examples of service to the community might include doing chores at home, helping out a neighbor, mentoring a younger child or sibling, or helping out with a charity. These are just a few examples and there are many other options that would be acceptable. Please see the director of education or the pastor with any questions.
* In addition to the service hours, each child will need to write a few sentences about each service activity that they perform. This can be done on loose-leaf paper or in a composition book and it can be hand written or typed. They should think about the following when writing: how did my service help others; how did you feel before, during and after the service; why did you feel this service activity was important? These responses will be turned in with the service hour log sheet in May.
Support for our various activities, fundraiser events, and annual concert and silent auction is also expected. The parish places a lot of hard work and effort behind these very few events and it really does take a community to make them successful. Therefore, please make every effort to (1) sell tickets, (2) attend the events, (3) help with set up and/or clean up after such events.
Family Faith Formation Calendar
Click here to download or print the 2022-2023 schedule.
2022-23 Children’s Faith Formation Calendar
Sept 18– Orientation
Sept 25– First Day of Class; Prep Play and in-person faith formation/ Blessing of Students and School Year
Oct 2– Saint Francis Activity
Oct 9– Regularly scheduled class
Oct 16– Regularly scheduled class
Oct 23– Regularly scheduled class
Oct 30– All Saint/All Souls Activity and Preparing Luminaries
Nov 6– Regularly Scheduled Class
Nov 13– Regularly Scheduled Class
Nov 20– Thankfulness Program
Nov 27– Thanksgiving Break
Dec 4– Advent Program
Dec 11– Advent Program
Dec 18– Christmas Pageant
Dec 25– Christmas (no class)
Jan 1– Regularly Scheduled Class
Jan 8– Regularly Scheduled Class
Jan 15– Regularly Scheduled Class
Jan 22– Regularly Scheduled Class
Jan 29– Regularly Scheduled Class
Feb 5– Super-bowl Fund-raiser
Feb 12– Regularly Scheduled Class
Feb 19– Lent Program / First Holy Communion Instruction
Feb 26– Lent Program/ First Holy Communion Instruction
Mar 5– Lent Program/ First Holy Communion Instruction
Mar 12– Lent Program/ First Holy Communion Instruction
Mar 19– Lent Program / First Holy Communion Instruction
Mar 26– Faith Formation and Palm Procession
April 2– Easter Egg Hunt
April 9– Easter (no class)
April 16– Regular Scheduled Class
April 23– Regular Scheduled Class
April 30 – Regular Scheduled Class
May 7– May Crowning
May 14– First Holy Communion
May 21– Mary Week
May 28– Ribbon Ceremony and Memorial Day Blessing at Cemetery Gates