Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
– Gospel of Matthew 19:14
Welcome to the Family Faith Formation (FFF) and Adult Parish Religious Education Programs
The Family Faith Formation (FFF) process at Saint Miriam Parish has at its core the tenets and traditions of our shared Catholic Faith tradition. A faith tradition rooted in a rich Catholic heritage that acts as our springboard into the realms of spiritual and personal growth in our inclusive and welcoming catholic community.
Our FFF Catechists, FFF Aides, and FFF Support Staff – all who touch and participate in the FFF process – provide by their lived faith experience the tools our students will take with them on their own journey of faith. We share with our Benedictine brothers and sisters in the mantra: … pray often and everywhere….
Learn More about our Education Programs here:
Choose Your Path!
The foundation of our parish’s faith formation will now be structured around the FAMILY…enabling the parents to be the primary (and best!) teacher of their child’s Catholic faith.
For Parish FFF (Family Faith Formation) Opportunities we offer two main areas of concentration based on formational needs of the participants.
Our Sacramental and Confirmation FFF students gather from September to June on Sunday mornings. Adult and Marriage PREP is scheduled throughout the year. Please see our weddings page by clicking here for more information on Marriage Programs.
Registered members of the Saint Miriam are encouraged to enroll their children in the FFF program no later than August 15th of the year of enrollment to begin in September.
All parents, as well as any registered, active member of the parish, are encouraged to also volunteer and ‘help-out’ at FFF. We are always in need of catechists, classroom aides, monitors, et al. For more information please contact the Parish office at: 215-836-9800, or Contact Us here.
We are all involved in God’s work and God’s saving plan so please be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit in your life! Please pray to hear the Holy Spirit speak to you regarding how you can share your faith, time and talent to the continuing success of our religious education programs.
In the spirit of Stewardship we are called to reflect on: What have I been given? What is expected of me? How am I to respond? No greater gift can be given to engage our young people to prepare them as strong and healthy Catholics.
Our Areas of CFF/PREP include:
- Sacramental FFF (formally CFF/CCD): The foundational preparation toward First Holy Communion, Confession, and a life within the Catholic faith.
- Confirmation FFF: A process toward receiving their Confirmation at the hands of our Diocesan Bishop for our youth who have made their First Holy Communion.
- OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) (aka RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): A spiritual journey in faith to discover what it means to follow Jesus as a Catholic Christian and the joy and freedom that can result from journeying with Christ. Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through O.C.I.A.
- PREPlay: Our new Liturgical Play program for three and four year old children that prepares them for more formal FFF Learning Classes!
- Marriage PREP (formally Pre-Cana): a process for couples to survey themselves and their faith prior to entering into the Covenant of Marriage. Classes are scheduled in advance, learn more Here.
KidsSafe Policy
The Archdiocesan Council (House of Bishops) of the Church has implemented a policy for guidance on protecting all God’s children and all vulnerable adults, called KidsSafe. With the most recent government and insurance guidelines, this document and policy form the basis of our Diocesan document. The Church policy is accepted by the greater Church and requires all clergy and parishes within its jurisdiction to meet these guidelines effective September 1st 2011.
The Policy
The Old Catholic Apostolic Church, hereinafter, “the Church”, in all aspects of its life, is committed to and will champion the protection of children and young people both in society as a whole and in its own community, and to extend this protection to the most vulnerable of our society that may well find their way to our borders, including vulnerable adults. It fully accepts, endorses, and will implement the principles enshrined in this KidsSafe policy, as the welfare of the child is paramount to the future of our Church. The Church will foster and encourage best practice within its community by setting standards for working with children and young people and by supporting parents in the care of their children. It will work with statutory bodies, voluntary agencies, and other faith communities to promote the safety and well being of children and young people. It is committed to acting promptly whenever a concern is raised about a child, vulnerable adult, or young person or about the behavior of an adult, and will work with the appropriate statutory bodies when an investigation into child abuse is necessary.

At our later Mass in the fall through the springtime, and for some special events, we offer child care called KidsCare in our Raymond Leight Room. All of our attendants and caregivers are state and federally cleared staff to provide a safe environment. Please see any host or greeter to gain assistance and directions.
KidsLife Staff

Brother Friar Sean R. Hall
OSF, LSW, Director of Schools, Director of Religious Education (DRE), Education Committee, Family Faith Formation (FFF) and KidsLife Programming, and Garden Guild Chairperson
Friar Sean Hall is a Professed Franciscan and also a Licensed Social Worker with extensive experience working with children in all forms of crisis. He serves as our Director of Schools, and Director of Religious Education (DRE) Programming for Saint Miriam Parish. …
Friar Sean Hall is a Professed Franciscan and also a Licensed Social Worker with extensive experience working with children in all forms of crisis. He serves as our Director of Schools, and Director of Religious Education (DRE) Programming for Saint Miriam Parish. Brother Sean enjoys being an active teacher with our Family Faith Formation (FFF) and KidsLife Programs, and serves on the Board of Saint Miriam Academy where he acts as a liaison between the School and Parish Boards. Sean leads our Garden Guild in keeping our campus beautiful! Sean has worked for United Healthcare, Optum Health, KidsPeace Hospital for Children in Crisis in Orefield, PA and for the Washington, DC Government in Children and Youth, Homestretch, IONA Senior Services, and hospital-based social work and case management offices. He also does family and individual therapy. Sean works closely with our parish ministry team and pastor to develop Educational Curriculum for Saint Miriam, and each month, he brings his social work and therapeutic skills to help parents in need of some additional support. Sean works with our Associate Pastor to assist in Outreach and assists in maintaining records for Union Cemetery of Whitemarsh at Saint Miriam. Sean resides at our Friary in Flourtown, PA with his Golden Retriever, Friar!

Mrs. Pat Wilcke
MFT, Coordinator, KidsSafe, Saint Miriam Parish Board Liaison to the Saint Miriam School
Mrs. Pat Wilcke, MFT, is the coordinator of the KidsSafe Program at Saint Miriam. At Saint Miriam, we take the safety of our children seriously and our comprehensive program is built on several key concepts relating to KidsSafe in Church and/or Parish life…
Mrs. Pat Wilcke, MFT, is the coordinator of the KidsSafe Program at Saint Miriam and the Saint Miriam Parish Board Liaison to the Saint Miriam School. At Saint Miriam, we take the safety of our children seriously and our comprehensive program is built on several key concepts relating to KidsSafe in Church and/or Parish life. The program includes the recognition and acknowledgement of the safety of children being of paramount importance, and relevant national standards of all legal and enacted “Children’s Acts” is required for activities taking place within the parish confines for all individuals 18 years of age or younger.
Pat graduated from Holy Family University with a B.A. in Sociology and worked with dependent and neglected children and teens in a residential program at St. Mary’s Villa in Ambler, PA. Pat attended Hahnemann University where she earned her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is a clinical member of the AAMFT (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy). She is the Clinical Supervisor and an individual and family therapist at a non-profit counseling agency in Montgomery County where she works with children, teens and adults.
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