Dear Friends,
Quick: what is the purpose of Christianity? If you had to write a Mission Statement for Christianity in as few words as possible, what would you write? What’s the plan?
Well, as we begin to read Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul states succinctly what he calls God’s “plan for the fullness of time.” It is: to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth.” Another translation says, “to gather up all things in him.” And the Message translation puts it together this way: “a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in Christ, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth.”
That is it! Plain and simple the very mission and purpose of Christianity is to bring everyone and all of creation together in Christ, in Love. Paul spells this out in Ephesians. And Pastor and Scripture Scholar Eugene Peterson reminds us what Paul is getting at for those of us who follow Christ and are to be caught up in his mission:
“Now that we know what is going on, that the energy of reconciliation is the dynamo at the heart of the universe, it is imperative that we join in vigorously and perseveringly, convinced that every detail in our lives contributes (or not) to God’s plan.”
So, how are we contributing to God’s plan? Does every detail of my life contribute to healing divisions? In our politically, culturally, religiously broken society, is my life about reconciling people, bringing folks together in love? Do my words hurt or heal? Do my actions separate or bring together? Do my decisions foster division or unity? In other words, am I in on and actively involved in God’s “long range plan”?
We have our mission. Let’s get to it!
Father Liam