The Welcoming of a Worm Like Me.

Danusha Lameris’s poem, Feeding the Worms, reads, Ever since I found out that earth worms have taste buds all over the delicate pink strings of their bodies, I pause dropping apple peels into the compost bin, imagine the dark, writhing ecstasy, the sweetness of apples permeating their pores. I offer beets and parsley, avocado, and … Read more

A Wabi Sabi Saint Miriam!

In “The Unknown Craftsman,” Japanese art critic Soetsu Yanagi writes, “We, in our own human imperfections, are repelled by the perfect, since everything is apparent from the start and there is no suggestion of the infinite.” If you visited our home right now, the wall that leads upstairs to Jameson’s room, bears a trail of small fingerprints. Those … Read more

Bring Us Your Scars.

Last week, I watched the season finale of 911. In one dramatic scene, a standoff of sorts occurred between Bobby Nash, a firefighter Captain, and a sniper — a disgruntled former member of the LAPD SWAT team member. The sniper was angry that the fire department saved everyone. How could they save someone with a drug … Read more

The Ignorance of Faith.

Saint Miriam has always recognized our imperfections. We, in fact, celebrate the cracks of our lives – and of our histories – and bring them weekly to the altar of God. All of us are welcome at a place of light and hope. All of us are permitted to reach out our feeble and broken … Read more

“Writers Write”.

In my homily this past Sunday I used a line from Author David Kindred where, when asked why he does what he does, he simply replied, “Writers Write”. I suppose that is why I do what I do as a priest. Why I sacrifice for God and the Church, and why I try not to … Read more

An Even Holier Holy Week.

I am admittedly tired. We all are, right? The pandemic, more shootings and more death. More hate. More ‘Whiteous’ indignation and lack of care for those teeming at our border. More of our inability – or lack of willingness – to curb our gun access and find mental health solutions, even as so many die. … Read more