Annual Pumpkin Patch will be Open October 2023!

Welcome to Saint Miriam’s “Pawpkin Patch” Saint Miriam’s Annual Pumpkin Patch will be open from October 7th to October 31st! Pumpkins will be available for sale and proceeds will benefit scholarships for the Saint Miriam School! You are also welcome to take family photos with the whole family including members with paws in our dog-friendly … Read more

Because You are Your Child’s First Teacher… Updates to our Faith Formation Programs!

CFF (Children’s Faith Formation) becomes FFF (Family Faith Formation)! Pre-K – 5th grade $120 per Family The foundation of our parish’s faith formation will now be structured around the FAMILY…enabling the parents to be the primary (and best!) teacher of their child’s Catholic faith. “Every Christian family is called to be a small ‘Domestic Church’ … Read more

There’s Nothing Better than a Happy Napper!

Napping is essential for growth and development, especially for infants and toddlers! A good nap… Provides much-needed downtime that aids the important physical and mental development that happens in early childhood. Helps keep kids from becoming overtired, which can affect their moods and make it harder for them to fall asleep at night. That’s why … Read more

Father’s Day 50/50 Raffle – June 18th, 2023

Father’s Day is just around the corner! Consider giving Dad some 50/50 Raffle Tickets! We will be doing a 50/50 raffle drawing on Sunday, June 18th –Father’s Day– after the last Mass. So don’t wait and buy some tickets for Dad today! $5 for one ticket, or five tickets for $20. This is a cash … Read more

Donuts for Dads – Friday, June 16th 2023

Saint Miriam will be hosting a Dads and Donuts Morning! Join us on Friday, June 16th at morning drop-off starting at 7:30am until 9:30 am. Please enjoy a donut and coffee on us and visit with your children and other dads in honor of Father’s Day! Every dad that leaves us an email address will … Read more