Woe to Us?

Are you on the mark? Is your life headed in the right direction? Or are you missing the point? Is your life headed nowhere, or worse yet, in the wrong direction? In other words, are you among the “blessed,” or are you among the “woe to yous”? In today’s gospel we hear Luke’s version of … Read more

We ARE to Enjoy God!

After visiting Jesus, the magi “departed for their country by another way.” It is no coincidence that at the time Matthew wrote these words in his gospel story, those who chose to be disciples of Jesus were called “followers of the way.”  They weren’t yet called Christians; they had no list of dogmas and doctrines to … Read more

Where Do I Find God?

We’re so used to our image of John the Baptist hanging out in the desert, that something that would have been obvious and shocking to his contemporaries slips right past us: John isn’t supposed to be in the desert! He is the son of Zechariah the priest. And so, as a member of the priestly … Read more

Are You a Disciple of Jesus Christ?  

‘Well, of course I am’, many of us would respond. I’m baptized. I go to church. I give in the collection. I try not to sin.   That’s all good. (And thank you for your contribution!)   But the question remains: Am I a disciple of Jesus? A student, a learner, a follower? You see, at the end of the gospel passage … Read more

Tattoos on the Heart.

Every time the Sunday Scriptures deal with the topic of marriage, I automatically recall one of my favorite passages from Greg Boyle’s book Tattoos on the Heart. Greg writes about a trip he took with his mother to the hospital to visit his dad. Greg’s mom has brought along a pillow in a flowery case for … Read more

A Cup of Water is Mercy.

Dear Friends, I have been trying really hard not to get caught up in Facebook arguments. But the other day I couldn’t help myself. (Surprise?!) Someone had posted a favorable review of Taylor Swift, calling her Christian-like for her many acts of generosity, including the money she donates to food banks at every town where … Read more

Pure Love.

I’m sitting here in my apartment in Assisi reading the Scriptures for this coming Sunday. As I read James explaining that all our jealousies and selfish ambitions and conflicts and wars come from our out-of-order passions. We all know that’s true. And election season makes it abundantly clear. Crazed unruly passions seem to dominate. It’s … Read more

Take Up Your Cross. Oh oh…

Uh oh. In today’s gospel, Jesus says his followers must “Take up their cross.” These words always make me nervous—not because they are challenging but because of how often they have been misused to guide people into ways of thinking and acting that have nothing to do with the message of Jesus. Telling someone their cancer is … Read more


Now there’s a word. It’s the Greek word Jesus uses in Mark’s gospel when healing the deaf man. It means be opened! Jesus heals the deaf man. He liberates him from his impediment so that he can hear clearly and so act according to what he hears. In doing so, Jesus shows what God desires for … Read more

The Deeper Stuff!

So, what are the “things that come out from within you”? That’s what Jesus asks this week in Mark’s gospel. As the religious leaders challenge Jesus and his followers for not following the rules, Jesus challenges the self-proclaimed “religious” folk to look within. Following the rules can be ok, Jesus teaches, but it can also … Read more

Ah, to Live in the Present! 

If we take Eternity to mean not Infinite Temporal Duration but timelessness, then Eternal Life belongs to those who live in the Present.”   Ludwig Wittgenstein Ah, to live in the Present!  It seems we’re always running around doing lots of things, but never really present in the moment. We get things done, mark them off our list, and … Read more

A Revolution is Here!

Dear Friends, In a little over a week, I’ll be heading to Italy to participate in a Revolution. I’m very excited to be a part of such a radical movement! Our plans: nothing less than to change the world! Say what? Well, as many of you know, I head to Assisi, Italy at the end … Read more

Hunger for The Eucharist!

“The celebration of the Eucharist is incomplete so long as there is hunger in our world.” So said the holy and prophetic Pedro Arrupe, SJ way back in 1976 at the Eucharistic Congress held right here in Philadelphia. His words still stand as a powerful reminder of the social dimension of the Gospel. “We cannot … Read more

“But What of These?”

“But what good are these?”  So says Andrew to Jesus, explaining that there is a boy with five barley loaves and two fish. “But what good are these for so many?” Don’t we all feel like that sometimes? We can look at our personal challenges, we can thing about situations confronting our family, we can … Read more

We Have Our Mission!

Dear Friends, Quick: what is the purpose of Christianity? If you had to write a Mission Statement for Christianity in as few words as possible, what would you write? What’s the plan? Well, as we begin to read Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul states succinctly what he calls God’s “plan for the fullness of … Read more

Vive Jesus!

I was cleaning out some old desk drawers last week, in a not completely successful attempt to feel more organized. But the project ended up being a blessing: amid papers and notes and holy cards and lots of other stuff, I discovered an old, tattered booklet that had been gifted to me way back in … Read more

Why Are You Afraid?

Dear Friends, I have to admit: I get the disciples’ reaction to the storm at sea. “Why are you afraid?” Jesus asks. I want to answer, “Um. Gee. Maybe because the boat is taking on water and we’re being knocked all over the place and could go overboard or sink at any moment.” I think … Read more