finding joy amid darkness

If you are like me, the lesson from Luke’s Gospel for this Sunday is a bitter sweet pill to swallow. Luke reminds us of Jesus’ admonishment when faced with terrible people around us, “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless … Read more

Stone Hearts and Stone Jars…

As many of you know, I celebrate a lot of weddings! I LOVE weddings! I enjoy the process of engaging them (No pun intended!) and helping them to craft the perfect wedding ceremony. I also enjoy being there for them on their special day and later, I often get to baptize babies and every now … Read more

God’s Time is Always Impeccable. 

It’s almost time. Christmas will soon be here and many of us will struggle. Some of us have anticipatory grief, others are dealing with actual or delayed grief, some are simply depressed or at least ‘blue’. Some folks are lonely or missing family or just battle with the amount of joy over the holiday season. … Read more

Hold Fast to Hope…

This Sunday, as Catholics on this Sunday’s Solemnity of Christ the King, we will sit and ponder the meaning of the Lord’s Kingship. This Solemnity reminds us that Christ’s power is absolute. What Christ demands cannot be balanced by other considerations and so it often requires us to reconsider our own life balance and importance … Read more

God Knows.

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to offer? I can only imagine how the widow felt that day in the Temple, watching the others pass by on their way to the collection box, dressed in their luxurious clothes. As she watched them donate large sums of money to the Temple funds, making sure … Read more

Lord, Give Me Eyes to Truly See!

Most of you have heard enough of my preaching that you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I don’t literalize this week’s gospel. For me, we lose something if we make it about only physical blindness and sight. We often hear this story and think of blindness and seeing in outward forms, but … Read more

Remembering Francis and One Another.

As the nation deals with the recovery from Hurricane Helene, I cant help but remember when Joel Osteen led his Lakewood Church congregation into the stadium formerly known as the Compaq Center in Houston. After $95 million in renovations and much political wrangling, the church moved into its new 16,000-seat home on July 16, 2005. … Read more

All I Want is Peace.

I was asked the other day how I was doing. I told my therapist, “All is want is peace.” Then, I began to cry.  It isn’t easy being a pastor today. It certainly isn’t made an easier by the concerns over the lasting impact of COVID and returning to whatever normal used to be after … Read more

Being Small.

It has been said that Jesus came proclaiming an upside-down kingdom. It’s a catchy way of saying that so much of what Jesus said and taught turns our way of thinking on its’ head. He said things like, if you want to live, you must die; and if you want to save your life, you must … Read more

You ARE The Christ!

Mark’s Gospel this week brings us that denouement moment when Peter says, ‘You are the Christ’! This is known as the Petrine Declaration and is a statement of great clarity, but as clear as it is, Peter remained to a degree ‘outside’ of the mystery of Christ. Yes, Peter himself whom Christ built His church!  Peter could … Read more

Jesus Spat and Changed the World.

I have always loved this story in Mark’s Gospel. A deaf-mute man makes his way to Jesus, begging him to lay his hand on him. Jesus takes the man off by himself, away from the crowd where He then put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting into His hand, touches the man’s tongue. … Read more

This May Hurt A Little.

I’m going to be upfront with you. This Sunday’s Scripture and lesson is for you who take following Jesus seriously, but it isn’t easy or soft. This one might hurt a little! You see, this Sunday we hear the words from Mark’s Gospel reflecting anew the Prophet Isaiah: He responded, “Well did Isaiah prophesy about … Read more

Jesus is Difficult.

Jesus Is Difficult. Ya, there is no doubt about it. And those teachings of His! Wow! Isn’t their an easier path? Sometimes the difficult way for anything in life seems foolish (outside of maybe seeking out a sense of accomplishment.) Perhaps… Something being difficult doesn’t necessarily make it the better or even wiser choice. Why … Read more

Eat Me, Drink Me: Behold God’s Love!

The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Over the last few Sundays, our lectionary has taken us on a leisurely journey through John’s Gospel with passages of scripture that are filled with possibility and fraught with danger. The journey started with the famous feeding of the 5000, … Read more

“Is this not Jesus…”

“Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph? Do we not know his father and mother?” Imagine that you were among the four hundred people who lived in Nazareth with Joseph, Mary and Jesus.  You have known Jesus since he was a boy learning carpentry and other trades from Joseph and others in the small town, … Read more

Bread is Always About God.

We live as hungry people in a hungry world that is often not satisfying. Everyone is looking for something that will sustain and nourish life, something that will feed and energize, something that will fill and satisfy them. Everyone is looking for bread. Real bread. The problem is not that we are hungry, but the … Read more

What IF We Would Just Imagine? 

In light of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, I felt that I would heed President Biden’s National Oval Office Address and ask that we all take a step back, reevaluate what is really important, think carefully about what we believe and who we are willing to lose from our lives over someone who, … Read more