
In Our Friary and PreSchool Building: Our Sanctuary, Betsy and Walter Diener Room, First Floor Classrooms, Foust Room, Leight Room, Silvers Room, Restroom Facilities, and all other public and garden spaces on the parish grounds are ADA Accessible to all those with physical limitations and wheelchairs. There are no steps or stairs to limit movement on the primary levels. We will be happy to assist you with special requests, or to greet you upon arrival to make your stay with us more enjoyable and stress free.

In Our New Pro Cathedral: Our Sanctuary, Saint Miriam Café, Spiritual Lending Library, Restroom Facilities, FFF (Family Faith Formation) Classrooms, and all other public and garden spaces within the parish grounds are ADA Accessible to all those with physical limitations and wheelchairs. The only inaccessible area is the Mezzanine Level for our Music Team. Otherwise, there are no steps or stairs to limit movement. We will be happy to assist you with special requests, or to greet you upon arrival to make your stay with us more enjoyable and stress free.

If you have any concerns, please contact us here.

Easy-Use Transport Chair Available.


An easy-to-use transport wheelchair is located in the closet directly inside the handicap entrance. The storage is clearly marked and a Greeter is available to assist, as needed. This chair is designed to help those who need transportation or are encumbered with walking issues to enjoy our parish. It is easy to use and has a 300 lb. capacity. Saint Miriam cares!